

[ 38 ] ◆祭壇

38:1 彼はアカシヤ材で焼き尽くす献げ物の祭壇を造り、縦五アンマ、横五アンマの正方形、高さは三アンマとした。 38:2 その祭壇の四隅にそれぞれ角を作って、祭壇から生えているようにし、全体を青銅で覆った。 38:3 また、祭壇で使われるすべての祭具、壺、十能、鉢、肉刺し、火皿などの祭具はみな青銅で作った。 38:4 格子は祭壇の半ばの高さにある、張り出した棚の下の部分に付け、青銅の網目作りとした。 38:5 四つの環を鋳造し、青銅の格子の四隅に付け、棒を通す所とした。 38:6 彼はアカシヤ材で棒を作り、それを青銅で覆い、 38:7 棒を祭壇の両側の環に差し入れて祭壇を担ぐために用いた。祭壇は板で造り、中を空洞にした。 38:8 更に、青銅の洗盤と台を作ったが、それは臨在の幕屋の入り口で務めをする婦人たちの青銅の鏡で作った。


38:9 彼は庭を造り、庭の南側に亜麻のより糸で織った長さ百アンマの幔幕を張った。 38:10 そのために、二十本の柱と二十個の台座を青銅で作り、柱の鉤と桁は銀で作った。 38:11 北側にも、長さ百アンマの幔幕を張り、二十本の柱と二十個の台座は青銅で、柱の鉤と桁は銀で作った。 38:12 西側には幅五十アンマの幔幕を張り、十本の柱と十個の台座を作り、柱の鉤と桁は銀で作った。 38:13 東側の幅も五十アンマとし、 38:14 十五アンマの幔幕と三本の柱と三個の台座によって右に、 38:15 同じく、十五アンマの幔幕と三本の柱と三個の台座によって左に張った。それらは、庭の門の両側に置いた。 38:16 庭の周囲の幔幕はすべて亜麻のより糸で織った。 38:17 柱の台座は青銅、柱の鉤と桁は銀、柱頭は銀で覆われ、庭の柱はすべて銀の桁でつなぎ合わされていた。 38:18 庭の入り口には、青、紫、緋色の毛糸、および亜麻のより糸で織ったつづれ織の長さ二十アンマ、高さあるいは幅五アンマの幕を張り、庭の幔幕に合うようにした。 38:19 四本の柱と四個の台座は青銅で、鉤は銀、その柱頭と桁は銀で覆った。 38:20 幕屋と庭の周囲の杭はすべて青銅で作った。


38:21 以下、掟の幕屋である幕屋建設の記録は、モーセの命令により、祭司アロンの子イタマルの監督のもとに、レビ人が担当した。 38:22 ユダ族のフルの孫、ウリの子ベツァルエルは、主がモーセに命じられたことをことごとく行い、 38:23 ダン族のアヒサマクの子オホリアブは彼を助け、彫刻師、意匠を考案する者および青、紫、緋色の毛糸、および亜麻糸を使ってつづれ織をする者となった。 38:24 仕事、すなわち聖所のあらゆる仕事に用いられた金の総額は、奉納物の金が聖所のシェケルで二十九キカル七百三十シェケル、 38:25 共同体に登録された者のささげた銀が聖所のシェケルで百キカル千七百七十五シェケルであり、 38:26 この額は二十歳以上の登録された者の総数、六十万三千五百五十人が一人当たり一ベカ、すなわち聖所のシェケルで半シェケルをささげたものに当たる。 38:27 銀百キカルは聖所と垂れ幕の台座を鋳造するために使われ、台座一個につき銀一キカル、百個の台座に銀百キカルを必要とした。 38:28 また、銀千七百七十五シェケルは、柱の鉤を作り、柱頭を覆い、また柱を桁でつなぐために使われた。 38:29 また、奉納物の青銅は七十キカル二千四百シェケルあり、 38:30 それを使って臨在の幕屋の入り口の台座、青銅の祭壇とその青銅の格子、祭壇のためのすべての祭具、 38:31 庭の周囲の台座、庭の門の台座、および幕屋と庭の周囲のすべての杭を作った。

[ 38 ]

38:1 He made the altar of burnt offering of acacia wood; five cubits was its length and five cubits its width-it was square-and its height was three cubits. 38:2 He made its horns on its four corners; the horns were of one piece with it. And he overlaid it with bronze. 38:3 He made all the utensils for the altar: the pans, the shovels, the basins, the forks, and the firepans; all its utensils he made of bronze. 38:4 And he made a grate of bronze network for the altar, under its rim, midway from the bottom. 38:5 He cast four rings for the four corners of the bronze grating, as holders for the poles. 38:6 And he made the poles of acacia wood, and overlaid them with bronze. 38:7 Then he put the poles into the rings on the sides of the altar, with which to bear it. He made the altar hollow with boards. 38:8 He made the laver of bronze and its base of bronze, from the bronze mirrors of the serving women who assembled at the door of the tabernacle of meeting. 38:9 Then he made the court on the south side; the hangings of the court were of fine woven linen, one hundred cubits long. 38:10 There were twenty pillars for them, with twenty bronze sockets. The hooks of the pillars and their bands were silver. 38:11 On the north side the hangings were one hundred cubits long, with twenty pillars and their twenty bronze sockets. The hooks of the pillars and their bands were silver. 38:12 And on the west side there were hangings of fifty cubits, with ten pillars and their ten sockets. The hooks of the pillars and their bands were silver. 38:13 For the east side the hangings were fifty cubits. 38:14 The hangings of one side of the gate were fifteen cubits long, with their three pillars and their three sockets, 38:15 and the same for the other side of the court gate; on this side and that were hangings of fifteen cubits, with their three pillars and their three sockets. 38:16 All the hangings of the court all around were of fine woven linen. 38:17 The sockets for the pillars were bronze, the hooks of the pillars and their bands were silver, and the overlay of their capitals was silver; and all the pillars of the court had bands of silver. 38:18 The screen for the gate of the court was woven of blue, purple, and scarlet thread, and of fine woven linen. The length was twenty cubits, and the height along its width was five cubits, corresponding to the hangings of the court. 38:19 And there were four pillars with their four sockets of bronze; their hooks were silver, and the overlay of their capitals and their bands was silver. 38:20 All the pegs of the tabernacle, and of the court all around, were bronze. 38:21 This is the inventory of the tabernacle, the tabernacle of the Testimony, which was counted according to the commandment of Moses, for the service of the Levites, by the hand of Ithamar, son of Aaron the priest. 38:22 Bezalel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, made all that the Lord had commanded Moses. 38:23 And with him was Aholiab the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan, an engraver and designer, a weaver of blue, purple, and scarlet thread, and of fine linen. 38:24 All the gold that was used in all the work of the holy place, that is, the gold of the offering, was twenty-nine talents and seven hundred and thirty shekels, according to the shekel of the sanctuary. 38:25 And the silver from those who were numbered of the congregation was one hundred talents and one thousand seven hundred and seventy-five shekels, according to the shekel of the sanctuary: 38:26 a bekah for each man (that is, half a shekel, according to the shekel of the sanctuary), for everyone included in the numbering from twenty years old and above, for six hundred and three thousand, five hundred and fifty men. 38:27 And from the hundred talents of silver were cast the sockets of the sanctuary and the bases of the veil: one hundred sockets from the hundred talents, one talent for each socket. 38:28 Then from the one thousand seven hundred and seventy-five shekels he made hooks for the pillars, overlaid their capitals, and made bands for them. 38:29 The offering of bronze was seventy talents and two thousand four hundred shekels. 38:30 And with it he made the sockets for the door of the tabernacle of meeting, the bronze altar, the bronze grating for it, and all the utensils for the altar, 38:31 the sockets for the court all around, the bases for the court gate, all the pegs for the tabernacle, and all the pegs for the court all around.


[ 20 ] ◆「ぶどう園の労働者」のたとえ

20:1 「天の国は次のようにたとえられる。ある家の主人が、ぶどう園で働く労働者を雇うために、夜明けに出かけて行った。 20:2 主人は、一日につき一デナリオンの約束で、労働者をぶどう園に送った。 20:3 また、九時ごろ行ってみると、何もしないで広場に立っている人々がいたので、 20:4 『あなたたちもぶどう園に行きなさい。ふさわしい賃金を払ってやろう』と言った。 20:5 それで、その人たちは出かけて行った。主人は、十二時ごろと三時ごろにまた出て行き、同じようにした。 20:6 五時ごろにも行ってみると、ほかの人々が立っていたので、『なぜ、何もしないで一日中ここに立っているのか』と尋ねると、 20:7 彼らは、『だれも雇ってくれないのです』と言った。主人は彼らに、『あなたたちもぶどう園に行きなさい』と言った。 20:8 夕方になって、ぶどう園の主人は監督に、『労働者たちを呼んで、最後に来た者から始めて、最初に来た者まで順に賃金を払ってやりなさい』と言った。 20:9 そこで、五時ごろに雇われた人たちが来て、一デナリオンずつ受け取った。 20:10 最初に雇われた人たちが来て、もっと多くもらえるだろうと思っていた。しかし、彼らも一デナリオンずつであった。 20:11 それで、受け取ると、主人に不平を言った。 20:12 『最後に来たこの連中は、一時間しか働きませんでした。まる一日、暑い中を辛抱して働いたわたしたちと、この連中とを同じ扱いにするとは。』 20:13 主人はその一人に答えた。『友よ、あなたに不当なことはしていない。あなたはわたしと一デナリオンの約束をしたではないか。 20:14 自分の分を受け取って帰りなさい。わたしはこの最後の者にも、あなたと同じように支払ってやりたいのだ。 20:15 自分のものを自分のしたいようにしては、いけないか。それとも、わたしの気前のよさをねたむのか。』 20:16 このように、後にいる者が先になり、先にいる者が後になる。」

[ 20 ]

20:1 "For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard. 20:2 "Now when he had agreed with the laborers for a denarius a day, he sent them into his vineyard. 20:3 "And he went out about the third hour and saw others standing idle in the marketplace, 20:4 "and said to them, 'You also go into the vineyard, and whatever is right I will give you.' So they went. 20:5 "Again he went out about the sixth and the ninth hour, and did likewise. 20:6 "And about the eleventh hour he went out and found others standing idle, and said to them, 'Why have you been standing here idle all day?' 20:7 "They said to him, 'Because no one hired us.' He said to them, 'You also go into the vineyard, and whatever is right you will receive.' 20:8 "So when evening had come, the owner of the vineyard said to his steward, 'Call the laborers and give them their wages, beginning with the last to the first.' 20:9 "And when those came who were hired about the eleventh hour, they each received a denarius. 20:10 "But when the first came, they supposed that they would receive more; and they likewise received each a denarius. 20:11 "And when they had received it, they complained against the landowner, 20:12 "saying, 'These last men have worked only one hour, and you made them equal to us who have borne the burden and the heat of the day.' 20:13 "But he answered one of them and said, 'Friend, I am doing you no wrong. Did you not agree with me for a denarius? 20:14 'Take what is yours and go your way. I wish to give to this last man the same as to you. 20:15 'Is it not lawful for me to do what I wish with my own things? Or is your eye evil because I am good?' 20:16 "So the last will be first, and the first last. For many are called, but few chosen."

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